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Good Bye PCA Bahamas, I will see you soon again

By : David - Professional Poker Player

As my followers might have seen I won a package to the PCA in Bahamas 2013, sorry for not being so frequent in my updates however for some reason my screen on the computer crashed as when I was tripped over the cord of the computer. Was a really bad beat out of the gate, the plan was to blog more frequently and share pictures, however I promis that you all will be flooded next live event, which I expect to be quite soon.

I actually decided to sell my seat at the main event and give some of the side events a shot and more focus on the juicy cash games to always tend to follow these nice live events, although many players tend to play a lot on online poker sites even though there is great live cash game action.

Happy to see Dimitar Danchev winning the PCA, whom has been playing very well thru-out the whole tournament. This might be an unfamiliar, however Dimitar has actually a 2nd place in the EPT San Remo as well as many other nice finishers in other larger tournaments. I am sure he will be a player to follow with joy the coming years.

Once again congrats to Dimitar!

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